
24 May 2024

Caddick Takes Home Order Of Distinction At Annual Rospa Awards

Caddick Takes Home Order Of Distinction At Annual Rospa Awards

Caddick Construction has fought off steep competition to win a prestigious award of distinction from The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), also receiving a Gold award for the 21st consecutive year

The accolade comes as Caddick Construction reports its highest standards in health and safety management to date, with its current health and safety performance exceeding recognised industry standards.

The business currently has an Accident Frequency Rate of 0.11 (compared with an industry standard of 0.3 according to Build UK) and an Accident Incident Rate of 2.41.

The internationally renowned RoSPA Health and Safety Awards recognises organisations, teams and projects, across numerous sectors, for their unwavering commitment to protecting lives - setting the benchmark for prestige and inspiring sector-wide admiration.

The ceremonial awards, which took place in London last week, set out to celebrate the accomplishments of individual organisations, while engaging them in a legacy that values dedication to high standards, the well-being of individuals, and signifies a commitment to excellence.

Winning RoSPA’s Order of Distinction, Caddick Construction joins a select group of global businesses to receive the honour, which is given only to companies with 15 or more consecutive Gold awards. RoSPA’s awards have almost 2,000 entries every year, covering nearly 50 countries.

Speaking of this recognition, Group Managing Director at Caddick Construction Group, Paul Dodsworth, said: “Ensuring that we have robust and watertight health and safety measures is paramount to our success. This recognition from RoSPA recognises our commitment, dedication and hard work of all our employees, and we’re very proud of this honour.

“We have proudly ingrained these H&S measures within our working culture, with accountability and engagement held at every level of seniority. Helping to maintain our industry leading culture, a new position of Operations Director was created and filled by Steve Bell in April 2023. As the Director responsible for H&S, Steve’s new position oversees this delivery and ensures we have thorough procedures right through our operations. It’s through this one team approach that we are able to drive our H&S forward and provide a sound working environment for both employees, our supply chain and the general public alike.”

Julia Small, RoSPA’s Achievements Director, said: "Workplace accidents don't just pose financial risks and operational disruptions; they significantly impact the quality of life for individuals. This is why acknowledging and rewarding excellent safety performance is vital.

“We congratulate Caddick Construction for winning a prestigious RoSPA Award and showing an unwavering commitment to keeping employees, clients and customers safe from accidental harm and injury.”