
Caddick Communities

Site safety talk given to local primary schools

Site safety talk given to local primary schools

When constructing Liverpool Shopping Park, we partnered with Derwent Group to provide Kensington Primary School and Northway Primary & Nursery School to conduct a site safety talk. 

We also challenged the children to a poster competition which resulted in six children (three pupils from each school) winning the opportunity to have their artwork displayed on the site hoardings.

Both schools had an assembly to learn about the dangers of playing on building sites and also met Ivor Goodsite, the Considerate Constructors Scheme mascot, who assisted in the explanation of why Personal Protective Equipment is worn on a building site. 

What people say?

We really appreciate the time and effort that went into making this all happen. It's fantastic to see people working in the industry and giving some insight to the pupils about what the various careers in construction involve.

Diarmuid Costello | Castleford Academy | Leader of Engineering/ Teacher of Design Technology